Get your motivation in real estate agent

3 min read

As this is where heirs sell off belongings from their inherited properties, attending estate sales can be a great way to network with motivated sellers. In most cases, the mortgages on these homes have been paid off completely, and the heirs may be willing to sell them for less than the Illinois market price.   can help you in this

Motivated home seller

In Illinois, local attorneys who handle probate, divorce, and bankruptcy may have clients who need to sell quickly, or you may have motivated home sellers who require their assistance.

You can meet them at events and gatherings for local businesses. For both of you, working with the right lawyers can lead to lucrative business opportunities.

What are FSBO signs?

Visit real estate websites, drive around neighborhoods and look for FSBO signs, or even use social media to find them. While utilizing sites, you might refine your pursuit by property type, area, and cost.


Meeting with sellers face-to-face can offer a significant advantage in this day and age of Zoom and teleconferencing. This would offer you the chance to construct compatibility with land owners and permit them to trust you.

Unreasonable listing prices, low showings, or other factors can cause listings to expire. Since the owner wants to get rid of the property as soon as possible, this presents a fantastic opportunity.

The reasons why a homeowner might want to sell their home quickly can be found in public records. They can be viewed online or at the courthouse through the county recorder’s office.

How to restore?

Most of the time, these are distressed properties whose owners may not be able to restore them to good standing, leaving them with only the choice of selling or facing foreclosure.

Importance of SEO tools

The vast majority of motivated sellers click on the top three organic search results, rather than advertisements. The best way to find motivated sellers and generate tens, if not hundreds, of high-quality leads is without a doubt SEO.


As per HubSpot, Web optimization leads are multiple times bound to close into clients than outbound leads.

To determine whether a property complies with regulations, you can network with authorities in the area. When a property has multiple violations resulting in multiple liens, the owner may be motivated to sell the property quickly and below market value rather than deal with the corrections.


Realtors in the area may occasionally come into contact with motivated sellers they are unable to assist. They might be happy to send deals your way if you can come to an agreement with the sellers they recommend.

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