It involves a large expense that not everyone is willing to undertake, especially if you choose a mortgage. Conversely, choosing a house for rent guarantees greater flexibility, but the property does not become the property of the tenant.
Making the right choice isn’t always easy : is it more convenient to buy a property, if you ask for a loan from a bank, or is it more convenient to choose to live in rent, or paying the rent monthly to an owner? There is no single answer to this question, because it all depends on individual needs, budget and prospects for the future
However, there are some precautions to refer to, especially as regards the possible concessions both if you choose to rent or if you choose to buy a house, or when you need to start a mortgage. By analyzing the specific situation, and all the tax and price concessions that can be encountered this year, it is possible to make a more informed choice. Furthermore, the decision to rent or buy a property does not always have to be linked to the need to live there, but it can be a real investment for the future . In the article, here are all the elements to take into account when choosing.
A Premise: Energy Efficiency
Before analyzing the pros and cons of choosing to buy or rent a property, it is necessary to underline what have been the changes in the real estate market in recent years. Undoubtedly, the arrival of the health emergency has had many economic consequences for the country, consequences also found in the real estate market . The crisis has also affected this sector, but then the recovery has come in recent months.
At the heart of the real estate market in recent years there is the need for greater energy efficiency of the structures: this entails greater investments to improve the properties present in the area. The initiative for the general improvement of the conditions of the structures is driven by the PNRR , which contains various objectives and indications